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Writer's pictureHaishvi Shah

Diving into the Blue

If you love staying up on the surface of water and watch the beautiful world under you, snorkeling is the answer to your desire. But, if you want to go and feel what the great deal is about when you are so close to the sea bed, keep reading my diver friend!

I went to Australia after my high school exams got over with my family and my best friend. The day my parents told me that we were scheduled to go The Great Barrier Reef the next day I was pretty much excited because I’ve always adored the different shades of sea & been a fan of swimming since early childhood .The first time I encountered a beautiful colored water body was when I went to Pangong Lake, Ladakh, India.

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We woke up early that day and to everyone’s surprise I was the first one to get up and be all active one that day asking everyone to get ready and leave ASAP! Dhruvi and I twinned on that day wearing the exact same outfit because I wanted to take a ton of pictures in that breathtaking place, so yeah, I was fully prepared. Once we left we were taken to the sea shore in a speed boat. I couldn’t control my happiness since it had always been my fantasy to travel in a speed boat- thrashing away in the water. I guess it was a day for all my firsts.

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As we reached the deck, we were greeted by two handsome Australian coast guards and teenage girls that we were, we both looked at each other knowing that the trip was already looking damn exciting!! We hopped onto the boat and took our seats. Before beginning, there were safety announcement and paper bags were distributed as it was common for people to feel sick. Now began the journey of what I was waiting since a long time.

The boat had 2 tiers, the first one was a closed space with seats for everyone to sit and the second tier was completely open for people to just stand there and see the sea more clearly, well actually it served more than what I was expecting. As we moved forward, the boat was at a turbo speed that sitting on the first tier I could see the water splashing to a height of almost 35-40 ft on either sides of the boat and as simple as it sounds but when you see something like that with our own eyes with such a beautiful view, it’s something that words cannot express. I couldn’t control myself and went up on the second tier with my father and friend to see it closely. It was the BEST THING EVER!!!! The Coral Sea couldn’t look better. There were like hundred shades in one place ranging from blue, green, purple and brown.


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I forgot what and who was around me and stood there all by myself adoring it and taking hundred pictures because of course I had to go and show my friends what a beautiful place I had visited. After the 35 minutes journey was over we finally arrived at our destination which was a floating deck. We got down and the first thing that I did was climbed down the stairs to see the underwater view and it was filled up with huge corals and around thousands of fishes, I couldn’t wait to get all suited up and dive into the water.


Our instructor, Mr Liam Brown began by clarifying the gear we had to utilize when scuba diving, so we became a pro with the abbreviations before we knew it. They likewise give you an outline of the Great Barrier Reef and discussion about the coral and marine life you can hope to see on your jump.

We were told to remove our breathing regulator– otherwise known as the mouthpiece you inhale through – while delicately blow out, at that point place it once again into your mouth and precede with breathing serenely.

Just as some widespread hand signals – are you alright, issue, go up and go down – our instructor had a couple of additional to give you a heads up when they see something great on the plunge.

The next step was to add weights and go into the water. It takes time to get used to the entire attire and Lee (Mr Liam) made sure that we didn’t feel like a turtle with a big shell.


Thus began our underwater experience. At first i was really nervous and could feel butterflies in my stomach. As we got down the ladder I could feel the cold water and the mere thought of going fully into it was getting me all worked up. I could feel my body getting lighter and free, the best thing was it wasn't just my body that was lighter. I don't know what zero gravity feels like but i'm sure its something very close to that. We saw thousands of corals and reefs which we had only heard of, numerous of fishes travelling in a group. We saw clown fish, baby sea horse, Blue tang, butterfly fish and lots more. The sea was beautiful and colorful not only on the outside but also on the inside.


The highlight of my dive was when a giant turtle passed so close to me and I was the only person in the group who had seen it because when I turned to my diver mates it had already disappeared into the water.

The interesting part was that we got a chance to feed the fishes. I stuck out a piece of bread and a whole group of fishes surrounded me and I disappeared between them. The funniest was when Lee put a few pieces of bread in my brother’s pants and all the fishes came onto him. We all cracked up inside the water itself.


It was a 40 minute dive and every second spent by me is something I will keep reminiscing for the rest of my life. When we came up all we could do was relive the moments and talk about the marine life we had just encountered. That day I crossed out the one thing that had been in my bucket list since forever, SCUBA DIVING AT THE GREAT BARRIER REEF!!

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